
Navarre municipalities: merindades of Estella and Olite



Olite, a building of renewed tradition

At least two buildings preceded the current town hall of Olite. The first of these, integrated into the wall, was the spire tower, which served as a council chamber from at least 1304 until 1401, when Charles III financed a new one, which remained standing until the mid-twentieth century. However, after the War of Independence, the cession of the castle for its adaptation to municipal functions had been requested in vain, and on more than a few occasions.

In 1945, in view of the evident deterioration of the house, the mayor of the town, Julio Ayesa, began to work on the project of a new headquarters, which was definitively promoted by the following corporation, presided by Julio Torres. The current headquarters was built in 1949 on the site of the previous one.

The plans that Victor Eusa had presented in 1946 were followed, defining a modern building, but in keeping with the palatial architecture of the urban center. The house is made of stone and brick, with three exterior facades. It has a square floor plan and rises in three sections. It is built on a stone portico composed of three semicircular arches of equal dimensions. The main floor is the most interesting, as it has two registers, the second in brick, and is articulated as a portico by means of a balconied gallery of semicircular openings, the central one standing out for its larger dimensions. Above it is the coat of arms, with vegetal ornaments and rampant lions, flanked by two balconies with their corresponding wrought iron work . The last section, also in brick, houses a gallery of arches and incorporates an elegant eave. The building is crowned with a small body of classical evocation, topped by a small triangular pediment with a forged weather vane, which houses the clock made in the Vitoria establishment of the widow of Murúa.

Its solemn inauguration took place on October 1, 1950, when Emiliano Maeztu was mayor. It had in its facilities houses for the secretary, the teacher and the head of the municipalities. At present and after several reforms, these facilities are the only office, post office, police station and music school.



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Websites of the municipalities of Allo, Los Arcos, Estella, Viana, Larraga, Olite, Tafalla and Miranda de Arga.