Navarre City Councils. Merindad of Pamplona
By Eduardo Morales Solchaga
Alsasua: two town councils in the same village
Alsasua preserves the original site of its town hall. It is the so-called "old town hall" which is located at one end of the place de los Fueros, where the main facade of the parish church also ends. It is a three-story house and attic, with a facade of ashlar and ashlar in which opens a semicircular doorway, with two lintels on the sides. In the second section there is a balcony with five openings that are replicated in the third and fourth, which serves as an attic.
In 1943 it moved to a nineteenth-century house located on García Ximénez Street, which was remodeled for this purpose following the design of the architect Casimiro Díaz project . It has a regular ashlar façade with three levels and an attic. In the first of them the lintel door between two windows stands out, in the second, a balcony between two others, in whose center the coat of arms of the town can be seen, of modern invoice. The third has four individual balconies and supports the attic, which is articulated around four curious oculi.
FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. [Coord.], El Arte del Barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2014.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., La arquitectura señorial de Pamplona en el siglo XVIII. Familias, urbanismo y ciudad, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 2004.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., Patrimonio y familia: la casa y el espacio doméstico en Navarra, Pamplona, Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, 2019.
VV.AA., Casas consistoriales de Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1988.
VV.AA., Catalogo Monumental de Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, vol. V., 1994-1997.
Ayto. |
Merindad |
Allo |
Estella |
Los Arcos |
Estella |
Estella |
Estella |
Viana |
Estella |
Larraga |
Olite |
Olite |
Olite |
Tafalla |
Olite |
Miranda |
Olite |
Pamplona |
Pamplona |
Baztan |
Pamplona |
Leiza |
Pamplona |
Lesaca |
Pamplona |
Vera |
Pamplona |
Lumbier |
Sangüesa |
Roncal |
Sangüesa |
Sangüesa |
Sangüesa |
Ablitas |
Tudela |
Arguedas |
Tudela |
Cascante |
Tudela |
Tudela |
Tudela |
Villafranca |
Tudela |