The church of Santa María de Ujué
By Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos
The chevet of Santa María de Ujué corresponds to the construction carried out at the end of the 11th century, sponsored by King Sancho Ramírez, and which was built on top of an earlier construction. Like the chevet of the monastery of Leire, it is articulated by means of three stepped semicircular apses, each of which is preceded by a section of nave, the central one wider and deeper than the lateral ones, closed off by half-barrel and oven vaults. The roofs of the central apse and those of the nave bays were redone during the 1951 restoration. Likewise, the embouchure arches that connect the two spaces are off-centre with respect to the axis. The apses are divided into two heights by a chequered moulding, centred by an axial window, which in the central apse is flanked by blind semicircular arches. Like the interior, the outer face of the apses is arranged in two levels, separated by a chequered moulding, the lower one plain and the upper one with a semicircular window with archivolt and chequered chamfer resting on small columns, all topped by a chequered cornice on plain corbels. At the same time, each apse is divided vertically into three lanes by means of very little developed buttresses. The sculptural decoration in the chancel is very austere and crude, centred on the chesswork mouldings and the vegetal and geometric elements arranged on the capitals.
CLAVERÍA ARANGUA, J., Historia documentada de la Virgen, del santuario y villa de Ujué, Pamplona, 1953.
FERNÁNDEZ-LADREDA AGUADÉ, C., (Dir.), El arte románico en Navarra, Pamplona, 2004.
FERNÁNDEZ-LADREDA AGUADÉ, C., and GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C., Salve. 700 years of Marian art and devotion in Navarre, Pamplona, 1994.
GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C., and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra. III. Merindad de Olite, Pamplona, 1985.
LAZCANO MARTÍNEZ DE MORENTÍN, M.ª R., (Coord.), Santa María de Ujué, Pamplona, 2011.
URANGA, J. J., Ujué medieval, Pamplona, 1984.