
The church of Santa María de Ujué


Choir paintings

On the Gospel wall, hidden behind the organ case, there is a mural painting from the Gothic period, which can be dated between 1340 and 1359, according to advanced linear Gothic models. It depicts, within a rectangular framework, the figure of the Virgin and Child. Mary, seated in a three-quarter pose, turns her head with a gentle face, contemplating her son, whom she holds in her right hand while with her left hand she holds a bouquet of lilies, symbolising her purity. For his part, Jesus sits profileon his mother's right arm, holding a butterfly in his hands. Framing the groupare two coats of arms of the López de Gurrea family and, under one of them, very lost, a figure can be seen, probably the donor, who has been identified as one of the abbots of the monastery of Montearagón belonging to this family, Jimeno (1327-1353) or Pedro (1353-1359). At the bottom there is a registration- "Martinet de Sangüesa fizo esta labor"- alluding to the author of the work. To the right of this groupthere is a scene of which only the representation of three figures on horseback that are heading towards the opposite side of the Virgin has been preserved. The three horsemen, arranged in a superimposition of planes, show different attitudes of fright and surprise at the figure that would be standing before them and which has been lost. This scene is identified with the meetingbetween the three living and the three dead, a medieval legend that warned of the fleeting nature of life and the need to worry about the salvation of the soul. This topicis reinforced by the fact that Jesus holds a butterfly in his hands, symbolising the resurrection of the soul. Above this scene is a partially lost and illegible registration.


Choir paintings


  • CLAVERÍA ARANGUA, J., Historia documentada de la Virgen, del santuario y villa de Ujué, Pamplona, 1953.

  • FERNÁNDEZ-LADREDA AGUADÉ, C., (Dir.), El arte románico en Navarra, Pamplona, 2004.

  • FERNÁNDEZ-LADREDA AGUADÉ, C., and GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C., Salve. 700 years of Marian art and devotion in Navarre, Pamplona, 1994.

  • GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C., and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra. III. Merindad de Olite, Pamplona, 1985.

  • LAZCANO MARTÍNEZ DE MORENTÍN, M.ª R., (Coord.), Santa María de Ujué, Pamplona, 2011.

  • URANGA, J. J., Ujué medieval, Pamplona, 1984.
