Parish Church of San Pedro de Aibar
Another piece A in the parish's silverware is this 18th century ciborium. Of gilded silver and great weight, this Baroque ciborium sample has an unusual complexity and richness. Not surprisingly, the piece does not belong to any local workshop but, coming from America, seems to be linked to Venezuela and Caracas. In fact, due to its typology, it is an exceptional Hispano-American work among those preserved in the Iberian Peninsula. The ciborium has a circular base with eight foliate legs with cherub heads. The base is made up of several concave and convex bodies in which there are a number of ribs or ribs. On top of this is a vase-shaped shaft with a fluted shaft topped by a capital. The shaft is enriched with four busts with vegetal bodies that surround the shaft as handles. The hemispherical case of the ciborium, decorated with embossed vegetal motifs, is closed by a lid topped by a dome-shaped body surmounted by a cross.
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