
Parish Church of San Pedro de Aibar


Crimson suit

The parish of Aibar has magnificent pieces of ornamentation that contributed to give greater magnificence to divine worship. As in the field of goldsmithing, this temple also provided its sacristy with rich ornaments that dignified the sacred ceremonies. In this sense, the drawers of Aibar house a lavish crimson and gold robe destined for the greatest solemnities of the parish, among them that of its titular, the martyr and apostle St. Peter. The terno, as its own name announces, is a set of vestments composed of three main pieces destined to clothe the priest, the deacon and the subdeacon in some sacred functions, mainly the mass. Therefore, it is composed of a chasuble and pluvial cloak for the priest and two dalmatics for the deacon and the subdeacon.

The richness and exuberance of the pieces are in keeping with their provenance. According to sample the specialist Alicia Andueza in her thesis , the terno was commissioned by the parish in the city of Zaragoza to the embroiderer Joaquín Lázaro in 1797. Not in vain, Zaragoza was one of the most powerful centers in the art of embroidery during the centuries of the Baroque, with many of the sacristies of Navarre housing ternos from workshops in the Aragonese capital. In this case, the vestment is embroidered in gold on crimson satin. The chasuble on one of its sides sample a monstrance among a decoration of rocailles and vegetal motifs. On the back of the chasuble is the papal tiara with the keys, the main attributes of the patron saint of the church of Aibar. The same motif is present on the pluvial cape in its hood.



Crimson suit


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HEREDIA MORENO, M.C., ORVE SIVATTE, M. and ORVE SIVATTE, A., Arte hispanoamericano en Navarra. Silver, painting and sculpture. Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1992.

IZIZ ELARRE, R., Aibar-Oibar. Historia, volume 1, Tafalla, Altaffaylla Kultur Taldea, 2008.

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