Parish Church of San Pedro de Aibar
The current state of the building is a Latin cross church with three naves, an overhanging Wayside Cross and a rectangular chancel. The rectangular portico is added to the south side of the naves and the sacristy is added to the chancel on the epistle side. The body of the naves, corresponding to the Romanesque period, is made up of three bays with a central nave wider than the side naves. The side naves have the peculiarity of being narrower in the section closest to Wayside Cross and wider in the section at the foot. The central nave is covered by a barrel vault and the side aisles by quarter-barrel vaults. On the other hand, the Wayside Cross, the main chapel and the sacristy are covered with a tercelet vault, typical of the last years of the Gothic period and very common in 16th century churches in Navarre. Likewise, the portico has a magnificent semi-circular vaulting following the models of classical architecture.
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