
Parish Church of San Pedro de Aibar


The Romanesque church

The church of Aibar was originally an entirely Romanesque church of which only the body of the naves and a small doorway on the gospel side with decoration of corbels and checkerboard have remained standing. Originally, the naves were closed on the east with a chevet of three semicircular apses that were demolished in the 16th century. In spite of this, this temple continues to be an excellent example of Romanesque architecture as elements such as the supports, capitals and vaults are preserved in situ. The semicircular arches connecting the naves rest on six cruciform pillars to which semi-columns are attached on their fronts. Here we find a nod to the Pamplona cathedral, which also had this subject of supports. The system of coverings is also characteristic of the Romanesque period with a barrel vault over sashes in the central nave and a quarter-barrel vault on the sides. The illumination of the space is poor, as is to be expected in a building of Romanesque essence. The central nave has two windows in the first and third bays. In the choir there is another opening and in the Wayside Cross there are two flared oculi, all of them from the 16th century.


The Romanesque church


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HEREDIA MORENO, M.C., ORVE SIVATTE, M. and ORVE SIVATTE, A., Arte hispanoamericano en Navarra. Silver, painting and sculpture. Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1992.

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