Parish Church of San Pedro de Aibar
Among the pieces that make up the liturgical trousseau of this parish church, one of the most outstanding places is occupied by this monstrance. Made of gilded silver and dated around 1476-1488, it was probably made in Burgos by the silversmith Juan de Santa Cruz. The piece bears the Burgos mark among its three marks, and the characteristics of this piece are from agreement with a model that was very popular and widespread in the Castilian-Leonese area, as evidenced by the numerous examples preserved in parish churches and temples in Castile. In this particular case, it is possible that we are dealing with the oldest preserved type of portable monstrance from a Burgos shrine. A commission or a donation would explain its arrival at San Pedro de Aibar.
The monstrance has a mixtilinear polygonal base with alternating star-shaped points and circular lobes. As is the case with many pieces of Gothic goldsmith's work, this monstrance has a marked architectural character. In the complex composition of the shaft, the knot is highlighted by a small hexagonal temple with ogee arches, buttresses and pinnacles. The upper part, intended to house the Sacred Form, is divided into two sections covered by an openwork spire. The lower section is decorated with an ogee arch with balusters between niches with openwork spires, buttresses with pinnacles and flying buttresses. This first section contains angels with attributes of the Passion, apostles and other saints. The upper section is decorated with ogee arches with tracery.
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