
place Nueva de Tudela



From the time of its construction, Building, the place Nueva de Tudela has been known throughout its history by various names corresponding to the different times it has lived through, being called at first "place de Toros", a name that corresponded to its original function, "place Real", during the French domination, "place de la Constitución", "de Fernando VII", "de La República", "Nueva" and, since 1893, "place de los Fueros".
It was built between 1687 and 1691 under the direction of Domingo Ucazcal, a master builder from Tudela. Its creation came to make up for the need for a large place in which to hold bullfights and other civic-religious events in the city. The model followed the layout promoted in Spain by the Habsburgs with a regular layout presenting a semi-enclosed quadrangular space, the latter favoured by the entrance arches of three of the five streets that lead into it: "Yanguas y Miranda", "Doña María Hugarte" and "Gaztambide-degree program", although the latter disappeared in 1907. "Don Miguel de Eza" and "Concarera" are the two remaining streets. In this way, a uniformly aesthetic place was achieved, built on the same level, very similar to the place Mayor in Madrid and the place de la Corredera in Cordoba and which, in spite of later interventions, still conserves its regularity and geometry in its buildings.


place Nueva de Tudela


MARTÍNEZ ESCALADA, J.: La historia de Tudela contada por sus calles, Zaragoza, 1999.

GARCÍA GAINZA, M.C., HEREDIA MORENO, M.C., RIVAS CARMONA, J. and ORBE SIVATTE, M.: Catalog Monumental de Navarra. I. Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 1980.

Catalog of the exhibition 120th anniversary of Tudela (802-2002): La cultura en Tudela a lo largo de su historia, Tudela, 2002.

A.A.V.V.: Ibaiak eta Haranak. guide del patrimonio artístico y paisajístico. Vol. VIII. Navarra, San Sebastián, Etor, 1991.

YANGUAS Y MIRANDA, J.: Diccionario histórico-político de Tudela, Zaragoza, 1828.

SAINZ PEREZ DE LABORDA, M.: Apuntes tudelanos, Tudela, 1969.

TARIFA CASTILLA, Mª.J.: La arquitectura religiosa del siglo XVI en la Merindad de Tudela, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Education y Cultura, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2005.
