The chapel of San Fermín
A baroque chapel
The Chapel is clearly a Baroque building, above all due to the choice of the Greek cross plan inscribed in a square, which is extended by a connecting section with the nave of the parish church of San Lorenzo. As a result of this superimposition, there are four corners or corner spaces, now covered by groin vaults. The attached pilasters and the Corinthian capitals that crown them, as well as the broken cornice that rises above them, belong to the same Baroque taste: although they were lightened of the intense ornamentation described in the texts written in 1717, the purification did not go as far as Ochandátegui would have wished, because the bases and pillars turned out to be made of very hard stone. Above the Wayside Cross a dome of about eight and a half metres in diameter, with a lantern, centres the interior space. The original throne-altar of San Fermín lasted from 1717 to 1793, when it was dismantled. It was a construction of enormous proportions, which, located precisely under the dome, accentuated its spatial centrality with its position.
ANÓNIMO, Relación de las Plausibles Fiestas con que ha celebrado la Mui Noble i Mui Leal Ciudad de Pamplona, Cabeza del Ilmo. y Fidelissimo Reyno de Navarra, la Translación de su Gran patron saint San Fermín de la Antigua Capilla a la Nueva, que ha fabricado su devoción, Pamplona, Juan José Ezquerro, 1717.
GARCÍA GAINZA, M. C. and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra, t. V***, Merindad de Pamplona. Pamplona. Indices generales, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, Archbishopric of Pamplona, University of Navarra, 1997, pp. 187-196.
MOLINS MUGUETA, J. L., Capilla de San Fermín en la iglesia de San Lorenzo de Pamplona, Pamplona, Diputación Foral de Navarra-Institución "Príncipe de Viana",Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, 1974.
MOLINS MUGUETA, J. L., El culto a San Fermín, in "Sanfermines. 204 horas de historia", Pamplona, Larrión y Pimoulier, 1992, pp. 31-39.
MOLINS MUGUETA, J. L., Las Capillas de San Fermín y Ntra. Sra. del Camino en Pamplona, in "El Arte en Navarra", no. 27, Pamplona , Diario de Navarra, 1995 , pp. 417-432.
On the website of the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro: An example of a "green man" in the Chapel of San Fermín in Pamplona, in "La pieza del mes", December 2013.