House of the Mencos de Tafalla
By Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos
The house chapel is located, after the construction of the Recoletas convent by Martín Carlos de Mencos y Arbizu (1597-1669) and María Turrillos de Hebra, inside the convent, on the Epistle side, south of the church's Wayside Cross , reached either through the arch that connects the house with the convent, or through one of the doors on the main façade of the convent. The house has maintained the use of the rooms located here, which are divided into two floors connected by a large staircase built in the early twentieth century. On the lower floor is the family pantheon and on the upper floor, the chapel itself, behind which is the tribune over the church, resource common in the Baroque period and which can be seen in other monastic foundations linked to the royal family and the nobility, such as the monastery of the Encarnación in Madrid or those of Lerma, or the nearby monastery of the Recoletas in Pamplona.
It is a Building of great simplicity, on the outside integrated into the architectural ensemble of the convent, and on the inside articulated by means of a single nave with a straight chancel and a roof of exposed wooden beams. The chapel is presided over by a simple Mannerist altarpiece with an image of the Virgin, a carving from the transition from Romanesque to Gothic, on a panel with the souls in purgatory. The walls of the nave are covered by a painted paper with the symbols of the Order of Carlos III, made in the time of Don Joaquín María Mencos y Ezpeleta (1851-1936), Count of Guendulain and knight of this Order, in imitation of the decoration that covers the walls of the hall of Carlos III in the Royal Palace of Madrid. Inside are arranged different pieces of religious themes collected by the family throughout history.
GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C. et al., Catalog Monumental de Navarra. Volume III. Merindad de Olite, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1985.
GONZÁLEZ VARAS, I., Palacios y casas señoriales de España: un recorrido a través de su historia y de sus propietarios, Madrid, Turner, 2018.
MENCOS ARRAIZA, J. I., Estudio genealógico y heráldico de la Casa de los Mencos de Tafalla, Tafalla, Mencos Foundation, 2020.
MIGUÉLIZ VALCARLOS, I., "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad", "Cristo de Santa Teresa", "Inmaculada Concepción" and "Virgen del Carmen", in GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (coords.), Juan de Goyeneche y el triunfo de los navarros en la monarquía hispánica del siglo XVIII, Madrid-Pamplona, Fundación Caja Navarra, 2005.