House of the Mencos de Tafalla
By Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos
Living rooms and other rooms
refund From the forties of the twentieth century, Don Tiburcio Mencos y Bernaldo de Quirós (1891-1969), Marquis of the Real Defensa, began restoration work to restore the house to its former splendor, which was continued by his son, Don Joaquín Ignacio Mencos y Doussinague (1944). Throughout this time, the different rooms of the house were rehabilitated and decorated with furniture and objects inherited by the marquises, from other properties or bequeathed by relatives. Thanks to this, a harmonious interior has been achieved, following nineteenth-century decorative models, in which part of the history of the family is displayed. Among the different rooms, the master bedroom, whose windows overlook the facade of the house, preserves the original wooden floor and is furnished with fernandino furniture, being the furniture used by the kings Ferdinand VII and Maria Amalia of Saxony during their stay in the house; the salon of Don Sebastián de Eslava y Lasaga (1685-1759), which houses his portrait, defender of Cartagena de Indias, thanks to which Philip V granted his nephew, Gaspar de Eslava y Monzón (1683-1763), the marquisate of the Royal Defense; the main hall, dedicated to the queen governor, María Cristina de Borbón Dos Sicilias, ancestor of the Mencos, who descended from her granddaughter, Fuencisla Bernaldo de Quirós y Muñoz, González de Cienfuegos y Borbón Dos Sicilias (1863-1931), Marquise of Eslava and wife of Joaquín María Mencos Ezpeleta (1851-1936); or the chapel, where religious works are displayed, such as the series of devotional paintings with silver marks, the work of the Mexican painter Blas Enriquez around 1780. Among the different halls and rooms -such as the entrance hall, whose decoration highlights a Hispanic-Flemish piety, dated between 1530 and 1550-, there are family portraits and portraits of people related to them, as well as other works of art, decorative objects, furniture and a series of showcases dedicated to three prominent members of the family: Tiburcio Mencos y Bernaldo de Quirós (1891-1969), Joaquín María Mencos y Ezpeleta (1851-1936) and Joaquín Ignacio Mencos y Manso de Zúñiga (1799-1882).
GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C. et al., Catalog Monumental de Navarra. Volume III. Merindad de Olite, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1985.
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MENCOS ARRAIZA, J. I., Estudio genealógico y heráldico de la Casa de los Mencos de Tafalla, Tafalla, Mencos Foundation, 2020.
MIGUÉLIZ VALCARLOS, I., "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad", "Cristo de Santa Teresa", "Inmaculada Concepción" and "Virgen del Carmen", in GARCÍA GAINZA, M.ª C. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (coords.), Juan de Goyeneche y el triunfo de los navarros en la monarquía hispánica del siglo XVIII, Madrid-Pamplona, Fundación Caja Navarra, 2005.