Treasure of San Fermín
By Ignacio Miguéliz Valcarlos
Pair of silver-coloured and gilt lecterns, standing on four powerful claw feet with ball-and-socket feet. They are made up of a straight back with profile , with a moulding of alternating geometric elements, alternating ovals and rectangles, of great rigidity, inscribed with decoration of leaves and plant motifs. In the centre is an oval cartouche supported by two angels, which inscribes the arms of Pamplona, the lion passing through, crowned with a royal crown and bordered with chains. It has a mixtilinear skirt decorated with vegetal scrolls framing the emblem of the Pamplona regiment, the five wounds, made in porcelain enamel.
These are pieces of great wealth, both for the beauty of their exuberant decoration of fleshy plant motifs, and for the extraordinary nature of their typology, which was common in Navarrese churches during the centuries of the Baroque period, but which have barely survived to the present day due to the various events that took place in Navarrese churches during the 19th century. In the church of the Rosary in Corella, a lectern of Calagurritan origin and slightly later dates is preserved, with decoration of a large shell on the back and the arms of the city on the skirt, in a similar arrangement to the emblem of Pamplona.
Both pieces bear the locality mark, the double crowned PP corresponding to Pamplona, although it lacks a stamp of authorship, undoubtedly a silversmith of recognised prestige, both for the quality of the piece and the importance of the client. These are two pieces donated by the Pamplona City Council and made in 1725, as can be seen both from the presence of the municipal arms and the registration placed in the architectural structure of both works. These two lecterns were commissioned by the city of Pamplona in February 1725. At this time we can see Antonio Ripando working for both the City Hall and the Chapel, so it would not be unreasonable to attribute the execution of these works to this craftsman, as Dr. Orbe Sivatte points out.
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