
Treasure of San Fermín



The chapter of jewellery included in the Saint's trousseau is smaller, although all of them are of excellent quality, which are only a reflection of what existed, as the documentation of the chapel tells us of numerous pieces, including gold pectorals set with rubies or amethysts, pearl hands, gold rings set with diamonds, emeralds or rubies, or chains and cords. Of these, only the gold chain with the emerald pectoral sent by Don José de Armendáriz in 1730 has come down to us, pieces already mentioned in the file corresponding to bequest Armendáriz, a gold chain given in 1757 by Don Nicolás de Urtasun, and a ring with an emerald, sent from Popayán, now Ecuador, by Don Juan Antonio de Zelaya in 1775.

The gold chain was given in July 1757 by Don Nicolás de Urtasun, a merchant from Pamplona belonging to the non-titled nobility, in fulfilment of a promise he had made to the Saint if he was cured of an illness. The Regiment thanked Urtasun for such a rich donation with the celebration of a mass, as was the custom for bequests received, with the ringing of bells, although it warned that the corporation would not attend. He also ordered the chain to be included among the Saint's jewellery and to be recorded in the inventory of the Saint's assets, for which the silversmith Francisco Montalbo was called in to appraise and weigh the chain. This master declared that it was a piece abundant in gold, weighing fifteen ounces and four eighths and average, made up of one hundred and five links formed by four filigree pieces each. The chain currently has one hundred and three links, measuring approximately 180 centimetres, made up of links formed by four plates mounted in the air, with an oval moulding profile and an interior with gold filigree 's' motifs. At the bottom and top, in the form of caps, there are four imperial-like arms, which are joined to the moulding in four small balls. This chain was included, together with silver from the Town Hall and the Provincial Council, among the objects that the Pamplona Regiment gave as a token of payment of a loan requested from Pedro Miguel Alcatarena, to meet a loan demanded by the French army in 1813, during the War of Independence. If the loan was not returned, Alcatarena would keep the pawned objects, which would become his property. Subsequently, the priest sacristan of San Lorenzo asked Alcatarena to lend the chain so that the Saint could use it in a solemnity to be held in November of the same year, after which they undertook to return it. However, after the celebration, the Obrería de San Lorenzo took possession of the chain and refused to return it, claiming that it was the Saint's property. It was necessary to appeal to the courts, who ruled in favour of Alcatarena, forcing the Obrería de San Lorenzo to refund the chain, which was later recovered by the Town Council and returned to the San Fermín treasury.

Finally, the ring with an emerald was given as a gift in 1775 by Don Juan Antonio de Zelaya y Vergara (1712-1776), who sent it from Popayán, with the request that the Saint wear it in the procession on his feast day, to which the Town Council agreed, and who also thanked him for the gift. Don Juan Antonio was military governor of Guayaquil between 1763 and 1771, and governor of the province of Popayán from 1771 onwards. It has a carved average cane ring that widens progressively towards the front, on which is a rectangular chaton, with a quartered and fluted reverse, with a table-cut emerald set in a high box, with claws on the shafts, and a crenellated moulding on the lower part, which is set on the shoulders by means of four 'ces', with openwork and decorated with elements in the form of 'es', while the lower part of the ring has a border of 'ochos' (eights).




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