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Back to 20010601-El tratamiento del cáncer del aparato locomotor puede alcanzar unas tasas de supervivencia de entre el 80 y el 85% en el plazo de diez años

fees Treatment of musculoskeletal cancer can achieve a survival rate of 80-85% at deadline within ten years.

As the president of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Oncology explained at the University, "to achieve this goal it is necessary to centralize the treatment".

01/06/01 19:19

fees "The treatment of musculoskeletal tumors can achieve a survival rate of between 80 and 85% in ten years' time". According to the President of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Oncology, the Swede Andris Kreicbergs, the core topic to reach these figures involves centralizing the treatment of this subject of tumors in specialized centers. For this reason, at the Society's meeting , which was held at the University of Navarra, Dr. Kreicbergs, also director of department of Oncology at high school Karolinska in Stockholm (Sweden), called on the medical community to bring all affected patients together in these specialized centers.

The expert explained that bone tumors account for 1% of human cancers, for example. According to Dr. Kreicbergs, this leave frequency among people means that it takes a long time to establish the treatment needed for each tumor subject : "If patients suffering from this tumor subject were sent to specialized centers without any prior treatment, the effectiveness for this cancer class would increase dramatically," says the Swedish specialist.

fees In this way, as Dr. Kreicbergs noted, it would be possible to move from a survival rate of between 60 and 65% at present to a range of between 80 and 85% in about ten years. Kreicbergs gave as an example the Swedish system where, for a population of nine million inhabitants, there are three specialized centers, and yet "it would be desirable for there to be only one," he stressed.

The Swedish model

For Kreicbergs, "Europe needs to copy the Swedish model , which has succeeded in establishing itself thanks to the discipline and organization of the medical community. For example, at high school Karolinska we treat 50% of the individuals suffering from sarcoma, a malignant tumor of bone subject ".

This specialist estimated the rate of specialized centers for each country at one for every ten million inhabitants. Therefore, he stated, "four centers would be necessary in Spain, of which one could be the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, due to the experience it has accumulated in the treatment of these cases".

In this regard, Dr. Mikel San Julián, a specialist at the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, explained that "our center is a pioneer in Spain in the treatment of this type of tumor subject without the need to amputate the affected limbs, thanks to Dr. José Cañadell, who started the limb preservation protocols at our center twenty-one years ago".



