Aplicaciones anidadas


Enterprise Europe Network


The University of Navarra is part of the world's largest support network for internationalising SMEs, which offers services free of charge to help companies grow quickly and successfully internationalise.



Aplicaciones anidadas


The consortium - ACTIS

To streamline the services offered by the Enterprise Europe Network, consortia covering the entire European territory have been created. The University of Navarra is part of an ACTIS consortium, a Spanish consortium made up of ten partners from five regions.

ACTIS Consortium

Enterprise Europe Network



  • Intellectual Property and Industrial Property.

  • Internal market; European legislation, standards, consultations and rules and regulations .

  • Market and foreign business; policies and business opportunities.

  • European programmes of research and development+i, Horizon Europe, MSCA, Eurostars, Life...

  • Access to European funding; COSME and other programmes.

  • Technology research and technology transfer support.

  • Promotion of commercial and technological profiles.

  • Participation in bilateral meetings and trade missions.

  • Organisation of technology transfer events.

  • Innovation capacity building service.

  • Innovation Management and Coaching.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas


Services and success stories


Aplicaciones anidadas





Contact with us

Mireia Carabantes Arguiñano

Graduate in attendance in Management. Master in Business Administration and Management (MBA). specialization program in Human Resources and Digital Transformation.

What it can help you with: finding project partners research and development ; participating in B2B meetings; drafting technology offers and requests; and collaborating with European SMEs.

Phone: +34 948 17 67 48 Ext.: 832103

Xavier Tapias Mateu

Pharmacist, diploma program in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Senior Management Programme in Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer (IESE), Business Development in Pharmaceutical Companies

What it can help you with: valorisation and protection of results research and development; technology transfer; business innovation analysis; specialisation of companies in the health and agri-food sectors.

Telephone: +34 948 17 67 48 Ext.: 832149

Cristina Natal Gorgojo

PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Master in European Patent Law with several advanced courses in patent drafting in the areas of chemistry, biotechnology and computer-implemented inventions.

What it can help you with: valorisation of results research and development; technology transfer; Industrial Property consultancy; specialisation in companies in the Health and Agri-Food sectors.

Phone: +34 948 17 67 48 Ext.: 832109

Cristina Patsouris Celigueta

Graduate in law. Expert in European projects. Promotion and dynamisation of the participation of the scientific community in international programmes.

How it can help you: funding research and development staff researcher and advice European programmes

Phone: +34 948 17 67 48 Ext.: 832125

Laura Arribillaga Arangoa

Biologist. PhD in Biology. Experience in development Pre-clinical DIGNA BIOTECH and Formune.

How it can help you: collaboration business-university; financing research and development; and specialisation in the health sector (Medical Devices).

Phone: +34 948 17 67 48 Ext.: 832115