This page contains general information on the protection of research results and their exploitation. If you do not find the information you need, you can contact directly with the Valorisation and Transfer Area in the Research Management Service (SGI).
One of the best ways to promote the economic exploitation and social benefit of the results of university research is the Transfer of Research Results through Patents (TRIP).
Even so, we must not lose sight of the capacities that the University of Navarra possesses in terms of the Know How generated. This is an intangible asset that we must take into account, as companies often demand it.
The success of technology transfer is based on proper management and involves a teamwork. This is why the collaboration of researchers is required.
Industrial Property services available to University staff include:
Identify commercially exploitable research results.
Assess their patentability and commercial potential.
Protect the results and obtain industrial property rights (patents, utility models, design industrial, etc).
If you believe that your activities have produced some commercially exploitable results, please notify us as soon as possible so that the Research Management Service can exercise the property rights applicable to the case.
Do it before publishing your results, using a questionnaire from application for Protection of Results and send it (by internal mail in an envelope well Closed) or deliver it personally to the offices of the Service of management from research (Muga building).
Remember not to make your results public before a patent application has been filed. Please do not publish or disclose anything relating to your invention without first consulting questionnaire once it has been submitted.
Research Management Service
sgi@unav.esEdificio Muga Avda Pío XII, 53
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 17 67 48
+34 948 17 52 23