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thesis highlights the beneficial effects of a drug to treat obesity

Javier Margareto Sánchez has demonstrated at the University that Tertatotol is able to decrease the training of fat cells in rats.

02/11/01 16:49

Tertatotol is the name of a drug that could be beneficial for the treatment of obesity. This is the conclusion of a doctoral thesis carried out by Javier Margareto Sánchez from Palencia, with which he has obtained the Degree doctorate in Sciences from the University of Navarra. His work is entitled degree scroll "Influence of a B3 adrenergic agonist on the expression of genes related to thermogenesis and adipogenesis in a model of obesity (per diem expenses of the cafeteria)". The research has been directed by Professors Alfredo Martínez and Amelia Martí (department of Physiology and Nutrition) and has obtained the maximum grade, A cum laude.

According to the study, the administration of Tertatotol at a dose of 1 mg/kg in rats fed with a per diem expenses of cafeteria decreased body weight and fat deposits and increased serum glycerol levels and body temperature. "Likewise," emphasizes Javier Margareto, "a decrease in the expression levels of genes involved in the differentiation and development of white adipose tissue was detected, manager of the accumulation of excess energy in the body in the form of fat, indicating that the administration of Tertatotol was able to inhibit the adipogenesis of this tissue.

Pantries that store excess energy

Adipogenesis, explains the new doctor, is the process by which new fat cells (adipocytes) appear. "These cells are a kind of 'pantries' inside which lipids, such as triglycerides, cholesterol, etc., are 'stored'. The more adipogenesis is favored, the greater issue of adipocytes, thus favoring the deposition of lipids in them, which contributes to the growth of adipose tissue."

In this study carried out at the University of Navarra, an animal model of obesity induced by the consumption of a per diem expenses from cafeteria has been developed. This per diem expenses, as described by Javier Margareto, is hypercaloric, characterized because it provides a high percentage of calories in the form of fat. "It is so called," he says, "because it is composed of highly palatable foods that are commonly consumed by humans: cookies, potato chips, chocolate, bacon, pâté, etc.".



