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New issue of Scripta Theologica

The magazine celebrates its 50th anniversary this year

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Cover of the last issue of the magazine. PHOTO: School of Theology
03/05/18 19:08 School of Theology

The first issue, of 2018, of Scripta Theologica, the journal of the School of Theology of the University of Navarra, has just appeared. On the cover there is a small change: a circle surrounding issue 50, which indicates the volume corresponding to this year. In this way, it is emphasized that Scripta Theologica has reached its fiftieth anniversary, shortly after the School of Theology itself. On this occasion, the committee of essay of the journal is preparing some initiatives that will be announced during the course of this year.

In the fascicle that has just been published, the reader will find, as usual, programs of study and notes. Because of its connection with the present day, it is worth mentioning the notebook on celibacy that echoes the 50 years that have passed since the publication of the encyclical "Sacerdotalis Caelibatus" by Blessed Paul VI (1967). French theologian Laurent Touze offers a historical review of the programs of study of the last fifteen years and presents the nuptial motif that is at the heart of celibacy. For his part, the American Carter Griffin deals with the anthropological aspects of priestly celibacy, and the Chilean psychiatrist and theologian Wenceslao Vial writes on psychology and celibacy. In another vein, Ángel Rodríguez Luño reflects on the conscience of the penitent. The bibliographical section completes the contents of this first submission of volume 50 of Scripta Theologica.



