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Two out of three people with common health problems do not see a physician

35% of seniors experience adverse reactions from their medication, according to University expert

03/09/04 18:48

Berta Lasheras, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Navarra, warned of the "high prevalence of self-medication in Spain, a trend that is growing as pharmaceutical specialties are excluded from the financing of the public system". According to him, "some programs of study reveal that only a third of the population with common health problems is treated by a physician. That is why the figure of the pharmacist as a health educator must be strengthened, since on many occasions he or she is the only means of information to ensure the efficacy and safety of the drugs".

The expert explained that the abuse of a drug subject depends on the disease that predominates according to the season. "In winter it corresponds to antibiotics, while in spring and summer there can be an inappropriate use of antihistamines, due to allergies of different subject". Likewise, he highlighted three groups as "the worst used due to the repercussions derived from them: antibiotics, anxiolytics and contraceptives".

Adverse reactions cause 13% of hospitalizations in the elderly

Berta Lasheras emphasized that "the simultaneous use of several drugs by choice should be taken seriously, as they are the origin of many adverse reactions, incorrect interpretation of symptoms and masking of diseases". In the case of the elderly, the specialist assured that "the lack of efficacy of pharmacological treatments is very often associated with poor compliance with the dosage indicated by the physician. This lack of efficacy is demonstrated in ailments such as hypertension and diabetes, which leads to an increase in hospital admissions and poor use of resources". In this regard, she added that "35% of the elderly experience adverse reactions derived from their medication and these are the reason for hospital admissions in up to 13%". Professor Berta Lasheras gave the lecture discussion paper "Medications in the elderly", as part of the course "Healthy aging: care, attention and prevention". This program is held in Fitero (Navarra) and is part of the 2004 Summer Courses "Navarre Universities for the society of knowledge".



