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Lutheran pastor says worshippers are driving Christian churches closer together

Hans-Jürgen Prien, at the XXI Theology Symposium of the University of Navarre

05/05/00 17:43

Hans-Jürgen Prien, professor at the University of Cologne, participated in the XXI International Theology Symposium organized by the University of Navarra. As he explained, "the ecumenical impulse for understanding between the different churches comes especially from the instructions and not so much from the hierarchies. It is the faithful of the different parishes who organize common events".

Prien hoped that "the 21st century will be the century of ecumenism. The status of the different churches is becoming more and more difficult and we need to offer credibility. If we all preach Christ and are divided, our credibility is diminished. The Cologne professor was in favor of reaching "a spiritual communion with Catholics and not so much an organizational unity. The pluralism of the different churches would enrich the whole".

On the understanding with Catholics, Professor Prien stressed at the University of Navarra the relevance of the 'Declaration on Justification' signed in October in Augsburg. "This document is a sample that Catholic theologians now understand the problem better. In any case, it was not an opportunistic document, but the fruit of dialogue."

In his opinion, the fluidity of the dialogue with Rome has been helped by "the scientific study of the Bible. It is no longer understood in a fundamentalist way and to the letter, but is explained by the context. In addition, a common study methodology has been applied".

Foreign debt cancellation

For Hans-Jürgen Prien, a specialist in economic ethics, a greater partnership among the churches would help to improve common problems, such as that of the Third World: "We churches are the only powerful voices protecting the weak against economic dogmas such as neoliberalism". Prien stressed the relevance of advocating for the cancellation of foreign debt and other solutions to poverty in certain countries.

Regarding Pope John Paul II's request for forgiveness, the Cologne professor valued the gesture very positively, "similar to the one the Lutheran bishops made when analyzing their attitude during the Second World War".

This Lutheran pastor spent many years in Latin America and is a specialist in Iberian and Latin American History. His lecture at the University of Navarra dealt with 'Protestantism in Latin America (18th to 20th centuries)'.

Theologians from different countries participated in the congress . On Friday, the president of the Doctrinal Commission of the Episcopate of Congo , Tharcisse Tshibangu Tshishiku , and Enrique de la Lama, professor at the University of Navarra and president of this XXI International Symposium, closed the event.



