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Professors from Northumbria University visit the School Nursing School

Debra Morgan and Hilary Abbott gave a lecture on the status of Nursing in the United Kingdom.

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Cristina Terroba, international coordinator of School Nursing, Debra Morgan, Hilary Abbott and Cristina García-Vivar.
PHOTO: University of Navarra
06/06/14 11:41 Miriam Salcedo

Debra Morgan and Hilary Abbott, from the School of Health and Life Sciences at Northumbria University (UK), visited the School of Nursing at the University of Navarra to learn about its lines of research, how it teaches the Degree and how the internship nursing is taught and trained.

During their stay, the British professors exchanged knowledge and impressions with the academic staff, researchers and nurses from the academic center of Navarra, in a session entitled"The educational system andthe research in Nursing in the United Kingdom".

According to Morgan, her goal at Northumbria University is to respond to the needs of the National Health System by "training socially and culturally competent nurses who are able to work in a wide range of settings in a holistic and interprofessional way. In this regard, Abbott remarked that"the attendance healthcare is constantly changing and, although the instructions are stable, as nurses we must adapt and, for this reason, we carry out annual courses at update".

These two conference have served, according to Cristina García-Vivar, manager academic International Office of the School of Nursing, "to create teaching synergies, postgraduate program and research and facilitate the mobility of students and academic staff".

The visit of Professors Abbott and Morgan is part of the Erasmus Program of mobility for teachers for teaching purposes.



