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presentation from the book "Sorority".

Inmaculada Alva and Mercedes Montero presented "Sororidad. Redes de financial aid entre mujeres en los siglos XIX y XX" at the University of Navarra.

PhotoFromleft to right/María Cruz Díaz de Terán, Inmaculada Alva and Mercedes Montero.

09 | 02 | 2024

Historians Inmaculada Alva and Mercedes Montero, members of project of research "Gender, perceptions and expansion of Opus Dei in Franco's Spain, 1939-1962", presented the book "Sororidad. Redes de financial aid entre mujeres en los siglos XIX y XX" (Sorority. Networks of among women in the 19th and 20th centuries). The event took place on February 7 at the ICS of the University of Navarra. 

Accompanied by Professor María Cruz Díaz de Terán, the authors shared some details of the book, which brings together contributions from various specialists in women's history. The book offers theories, interpretations and narratives, accompanied by concrete examples of mutual support among women in different geographical contexts: from Europe to Africa and America. Each chapter reveals stories of women whose bonds of sisterhood enabled them to overcome obstacles such as war, injustice, misunderstanding and suffering.

Throughout its pages, solidarity among women is analyzed as an engine for weaving social networks, supporting initiatives, sharing ideals and achieving common goals in a world marked by inequality.

The book's presentation opened a space for reflection and dialogue, highlighting the importance of reviewing and making visible the contribution of women, as well as recognizing the relevance of sisterhood as a transformative element.



