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Spain's labor future depends on the regulation of services to individuals

Experts in Economics, employment and social services offered a lecture at IESE at the University of Navarra

10/06/11 11:17
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workshop on employment and new business. PHOTO: loaned

The lecture "Personal services: source of employment and new businesses" brought together personalities from the fields of Economics, employment and social services at IESE University of Navarra to discuss the potential of personal services. goal .

The AESP (association de Servicios a la Persona), in partnership with the International Center work and Family of IESE, directed by Professor Nuria Chinchilla, exposed the urgent need to regulate a sector that is possibly the most important source of employment in our country, and that until now has always been developed in Economics submerged.

test of this are the statements of Javier Benavente Barrón, president of the AESP, who assured that "we are convinced that the Personal Services sector, if the appropriate fiscal and social benefits for consumers and companies are developed, will contribute to develop a strong service sector, allowing to respond to these new demands in services of today's society with the consequent creation of employment, massive, of higher quality, not delocalizable and with fair wages".

During the workshop, a broad representation of public institutions and political parties analyzed the sector and the many possibilities for the development of employment and Economics.
Ana Pastor, coordinator of the National Executive committee , commented that it is of utmost importance to highlight the value of private initiatives, without which we would not be able to develop the whole system of services to the individual.

In the same line, Carles Campuzano, deputy of Convergència i Unió, commented that some weeks ago his parliamentary group presented a Proposición no de Ley urging the Government to develop a project of Law to regulate the sector of services to the person. In addition, Campuzano has made reference letter to the recently approved Law on Economics submerged, arguing that only with sanctions nothing will be achieved, since it is necessary to pay a little more attention to the needs of people.



