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Basque ethnology

II specialist program of the Chair of language and Basque Culture

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The Chair celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. PHOTO: Courtesy
13/05/14 12:31

The Chair of language and Basque Culture of the University of Navarra, together with the Ethnological Museum of Navarra "Julio Caro Baroja", the Basque Museum of History of Medicine (UPV-EHU) and the high school of Labayru Research organizes the course "Basque Ethnology" scheduled for May 27th, 28th and 29th.


Tuesday, May 27th

Location: Ethnological Museum of Navarre "Julio Caro Baroja" (Estella)

09:00h: Departure from the Central Building of the University.

10:00h: Welcome by the Museum Director

10:15h: Dr. Susana Irigaray Soto: "The Museum, its name and history".

11:00h: Dr. Alfredo Asiain Ansorena (UPNA): "Intangible cultural heritage of Navarra". 

12:00h: visit guided tour of the facilities

Wednesday, May 28th

Venue: University of Navarra (classroom 30, Central Building)

17:00: Francisco Javier Tiberio: "Carnival in Navarra". 

18:00: Mikel Aramburu Urtasun: "Music and musical instruments in Basque folklore".

19:00h: Txema Hidalgo: "Nafar aire zaharretan. Old Basque songs from Navarre".

Thursday, May 29th

Venues: Basque Museum of the History of Medicine (UPV-EHU, Leioa) and the high school de Investigaciones Labayru (Derio). 

09:00h: Departure from the Central Building of the University.

11:00 to 13:30h: Basque Museum of Medicine 

Welcome to the Museum. 

Dr. Anton Erkoreka (UPV-EHU): "Traditional medicines-Popular medicine". 


14:00: Lunch in Derio with the board Board of Directors of the Ethnographic Atlas of Euskalerria.

15:30 a 18h: high school de Investigaciones Labayru 

Welcome from Director of Labayru and Etniker Euskalerria, Ander Manterola

visit to the Center's facilities.

Dr. Gurutzi Arregi: "Popular religiosity. A typology of hermitages".  

More information
  • The issue of places is limited

  • registration free of charge at

  • deadlineMay 17.

  • Students interested in obtaining 1 ECTS credit should attend to all sessions and submit a brief report of the activities carried out.

The course aims to bring participants closer to the different fields of Basque Ethnology today. The ethnological programs of study have been one of the pillars of the research and the teaching of the Chair of language and Basque Culture since its creation in 1963 under the direction of Mr. José Miguel de Barandiarán. In tune with this long tradition, the Chair proposes a participative program with three main objectives: to get to know some of the most representative ethnohistorical institutions and projects of the Basque Country and Navarre, to promote the meeting with renowned specialists of the discipline who carry out their work there, and to disseminate some of the latest contributions on folklore in our land. 





