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Augusto Sarmiento participates in an international symposium at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan

The sessions, given by experts and professors from different universities, focused on the encyclical Humanae Vitae, on its 50th anniversary.

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Professor Sarmiento with Paweł Wygralak, Dean of the School of Theology at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznán, and Professor Pawel BortKiewicz, director of the symposium. PHOTO: Courtesy
14/05/18 12:36 Maria M. Orbegozo

Augusto Sarmiento, professor at School of Theology at the University of Navarra, was one of the forty speakers at an international symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), May 4-5. The sessions of congress focused on the encyclical Humanae Vitae, 50 years after its publication.

As Professor Sarmiento pointed out, the meeting generated "a rich interdisciplinary dialogue in the treatment of various questions raised in the publication of Blessed Paul VI". In his intervention, degree scroll "The prophetic meaning of the encyclical Humanae vitae", he focused in particular on the topicality of his teaching: "This encyclical is a resolute defense of the truth of love and the dignity of human life. As the debates and reactions for and against it have highlighted, already from the moment of its publication, the basic themes implied in Humanae vitae are, among others, the truth of creation - God the Creator -, of the human person as a 'unified totality' - the human being 'corpore et anima unus' - and the skill of the Church's Magisterium in questions of natural morality".

Also, during his stay in Poznan, Professor Sarmiento presented the recently published Polish version of his book "Let's get married! Marriage Preparation Course", written jointly with Bishop Mario Iceta of Bilbao. Although the editors of the Polish version have opted for the degree scroll "The Happy Marriage", the contents of the work have been maintained, addressed "to those who help in the preparation for marriage - marriage and family pastoral agents -, to the recipients of this preparation - the engaged couple - and to those who, once married, wish to rekindle the wonder of the gift of their marriage received and celebrated".

Published by EUNSA, the book arose "as a result of our experience in the pastoral care of marriage and the family, which made us realize that there were people who wanted to prepare themselves well for marriage and did not know how to do it. As the author pointed out, the materials offered in the book, both in its Spanish and Polish versions, are structured around three nuclei: "God's plan for marriage (what it is to get married); the response to God's plan of those who get married (what they are committed to); and the means to respond affirmatively to the marriage commitment (how to live the celebrated marriage)".

Ordained a priest in 1964, Augusto Sarmiento is Professor of Moral Theology at the School of Theology at the University of Navarra, where he has also served as Associate Dean and as director of research. In 2009, he was chosen by Pope Benedict XVI to occupy the position of consultant of the committee Pontifical Council for the Family. Author of numerous publications related to marriage, life and the family, he is currently pastor of three towns in Navarra.



