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Elephant in the Black Box company premieres 'No useless flowers' at the Museum, a journey about exile and the search for identity

Jean Philippe Dury, director artistic director of the company, and producer Ana Cabo presented the keys to this show about women in exile after the Spanish Civil War.

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Antonella Sampieri and Florine Pegat-Toquet. PHOTO: Juan Carlos Vega.
14/11/19 17:40 Leire Escalada

A journey about exile and the search for one's own identity. This is how Jean Philippe Dury, artistic director of Elephant in the Black Box Company, defines the proposal of No useless flowersthe show that premieres this Friday, at 7:30 p.m., in the Theater of the Museum of the University of Navarra, in the cycle Museum in Dance. Tickets are 16 and 12 euros.

Dury has been accompanied during the presentation by Ana Cabo, manager production company, and Teresa Lasheras, assistant to the José Manuel Garrido, director Performing Arts Museum. In the meeting he explained that this play, which gives voice to the exiled women after the Spanish Civil War, addresses a very current scenario: "There are still people who come to Spain in critical conditions, people who want to escape their country. The exile is very present".

In this sense, Cabo pointed out that the piece goes through a geographical exile but also an inner exile: "In addition to the external exile, which can make the Syrian refugees or refugees, or so many other places, there has also been an internal exile of women in conflict situations. In the case of the Civil War and the post-war period, it was that status: the women who stayed behind also suffered their exile, such as not being able to study or being relegated to a place. The work has a very poetic and suggestive vision". Hence, the play offers the public a great freedom: "It gives a space to dream of a journey, interior or physical, where everyone goes to find their place and inner peace".

With the same freedom framework Blázquez, choreographer of No hay flores inútiles, proposed to work with the four dancers, Florine Pegat-Toquet (France), Valentina Pedica (Italy), Antonella Sampieri (Argentina) and Bojan Micev (Macedonia), who perform the piece with the actress Marta Ruiz de Viñaspre. "framework has left them a lot of freedom to create. He doesn't impose steps or feelings. First he stands back a little bit and lets the person bring out something staff. That is why it is a very special piece. There are four performers with a different energy and he has been able to bring it out of each character and each identity." The fact that the dancers are of different nationalities has enriched the piece, not only because of their different training , but also because they themselves have left their countries of origin to devote themselves to their passion, dance.


No hay flores inútiles has meant a challenge for the company, as Cabo pointed out, since texts and a "more theatrical vision" have been included, with dramaturgy by Paula Soldevila: "We have counted on a magnificent writer and poet, Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre, who has written some texts that are heard in the play and an actress, Marta Ruiz de Viñaspre, has been incorporated. It has something of ritual, of prayer". For his part, Dury has valued that "immediately there was a symbiosis that allowed to get something visceral and a magnificent work ".

Poetry is very present in this piece, which draws from Lorca's work. "The starting point is the first work of framework Blázquez, 1936, and the dream world and Lorca's female characters, especially La casa de Bernarda Alba. From here, it brings to the present day everything that can happen in these internal and external journeys and exiles," says the company's producer. "It speaks of two memories: that of the word, which comes up to now, and that of the body, through the different ages of the dancers and the movement itself. They are two contrasting memories that complete each other. There is a game and a ritual around what it costs to travel, to decide, to arrive or not".



