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Antonio Monge, co-publisher of a new book with low-cost experiments for centers in developing countries. development

The director of the CIFA of the University of Navarra has been collaborating for years with the international organization IUPAC, which integrates the societies of Chemistry of the five continents.

16/05/11 14:51
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Antonio Monge. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Dr. Antonio Monge, director deL research center in Applied Pharmacobiology (CIFA) of the University of Navarra, is the co-publisher of a new book written together with Robin Ganelin, researcher of the University of London, on low-cost experiments that can be performed in centers anywhere in the world regardless of their resources.

The work, which was published in 2010 as a free online version, was so successful internationally - in developed and developing countries development- that the National University of Río Cuarto (Argentina) has financed its worldwide paper edition, according to Professor Monge.

The specialist also adds that the book is the result of a project, of Chemistry Pharmaceutics C by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), which Dr. Monge coordinated from 2006 to 2010.

Professors from 10 countries and 21 universities, mostly in Latin America, participate in guide . Aimed especially at university students, the experiments it contains include the natural resources of countries in development, taking care at all times of the safety of potential participants.

The book is published in English, Portuguese and Spanish, with goal to maintain its international scope.



