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Back to 2014_06_17_FYL_La Universidad de Navarra lanza un Diploma en Estudios Curatoriales para el curso 2014-15

New diploma at programs of study Curatorial for the 2014-15 academic year.

The new Diploma arises from the partnership between the Museum of the University of Navarra and the School of Philosophy y Letras.

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Performance by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle in the streets of Pamplona (July 2011). PHOTO: Manuel Castells
17/06/14 11:56 Fina Trèmols

The University of Navarra is launching a Diploma at programs of study Curatorial for the 2014-15 academic year. This new offer will allow for the development of the professor field of the Museum of the University of Navarra and will have the character of degree scroll with an interdisciplinary professor load of 60 ETCS. The academic direction depends on the School of Philosophy and LettersThe program will be coordinated by position by Professor Asunción Domeño.

Of the contents of the new diploma, 35% are related to art, history or cultural management , 28% to communication, 22% to management of space and architecture, and 14% to various disciplines, such as Education.

The Diploma in programs of study Curatorial will provide a specific training for a professional field that had important deficiencies in our country. The main employment opportunities of a curator or artistic curator can be: management of cultural heritage, art galleries and exhibition halls, Museums, Collections, Art Consulting, Art Fairs, Art Market or the management of cultural projects.

The Diploma is open to any student of the University and is intended to be taken from the first year of their programs of study, simultaneously with the Degree. Students who are candidates to become curators should be interested in developing skills such as: creativity, interdisciplinary vision, management and coordination skills, organizational skills, knowledge of conservation and/or assembly conditions, spatial perception, or social and institutional communication skills.

teaching researcher and artist

Rosalía Baena, dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters has stated that "although the Diploma is open to any student of the University, due to the affinity of contents, it can provide a area of specialization to graduates in the field of Humanities. In particular, students of Degrees of History and Humanities will be able to take it without additional charge professor . There are many areas in which we share the same interests as the Museum of the University of Navarra, for the research and the dissemination of culture".

For his part, Miguel López-Remiro, director of the Museum said that "the University Museum of Navarra supports its raison d'être on three fundamental pillars: research, teaching and the dissemination of contemporary art. The Diploma in programs of study Curatorial becomes a necessary support to carry out the Museum's teaching activities. We want to train people for the curatorial work of an artistic project supported by the professors of the University and the professionals who will carry out their work in the Museum. We are very excited to see how the future exhibition halls will become places frequented by students studying at diploma".

Rafael Llano, advisor in research of the Museum declares that "the Diploma in programs of study Curatorial benefits, on the one hand, from the prestige of the professors of the University of Navarra, who will explain the fundamental subjects of curatorship with the scientific and pedagogical height usual in this university. On the other hand, Diploma will also benefit from the existence -unique in Spain- of a contemporary art museum at campus. Students attending this Diploma will have exclusive seminars with the curators of the temporary exhibitions programmed at the Museum; they will accompany them at the openings, attend press conferences, and follow the guided tour of visit at exhibition. In other words, they will live the curatorial experience from the very first moment, and will learn directly from the best national and international curators the internship of this official document. The Diploma will provide the intellectual and practical, artistic and social foundations of artistic direction, which at the University of Navarra will combine the exhibition and stage dimensions".




