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Five exhibitions to visit in the summer and a preview of the next season at the Museum

The new season will begin on September 27, with a concert by Salvador Sobral. The new exhibitions will show the latest works of artists Aitor Ortiz and Miguel Bergasa and the performing arts program brings a new cycle "Museum in dance".

Excuse Me, single by Salvador Sobral

17/07/18 10:03 Elisa Montserrat

During the summer, from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Museum offers visitors five exhibitions: Geography of Timeby the photographers Bleda and Rosa; Menhirsby Elena Asins; Twentysix (Abandoned) Gasoline Stationsby Iñaki Bergera; and the Collection's exhibitions "María Josefa Huarte: Abstraction and Modernity."and the "Ortiz-Echagüe Space".

Future Exhibitions

Aitor Ortiz 's exhibition will open to the public on September 28 and will revolve around the relationship between photography and architecture, from the documentation of the built object to the generation of non-documentary photographic spaces and Structures . The Bilbao-born artist will pose the dilemmas that arise between the representational and the interpretative and will develop a journey from the documentary record to the generation of autonomous objects detached from representation. The exhibition will show the artist's interest in establishing a relationship between the content of the images, the physical properties of the supports on which the works are reproduced and the position they occupy in the exhibition space.

At the beginning of October, the Navarre photographer Miguel Bergasa will present his documentary project "Mennonites of Nueva Durango"a collection of color photographs of the Mennonites of Paraguay, group a religious follower of the 16th century Dutch reformer Mennon. Bergasa, a photographer since the early seventies, began his travels to Latin America in 1983, where he made several reports. His series of Mennonites portrays the austere way of life of this community, unchanged for 23 years, which dispenses with the comforts of the 21st century.

The conference room 3 of the Museum's Collection will be presented renewed, with anew reading of the collection entitled "Genesis of Jorge Oteiza's murals".Genesis of Jorge Oteiza's murals.". This exhibition, carried out at partnership with the Jorge Oteiza Museum Foundation, will involve an analysis of the artist's murals in the Museum Collection: Homage to Bach and The Elias Chariot. The sample will compare them with other murals by Oteiza and with other pieces provided by the Jorge Oteiza Museum Foundation, such as plaster and metal sketches, works from the chalk laboratory and photographs.

The other three exhibitions of the Collection will continue to be open: Menhirsby Elena Asins; "María Josefa Huarte: Abstraction and Modernity" and the "Ortiz-Echagüe Space".

Performing arts and music

The multifaceted musician winner of Eurovision 2017, Salvador Sobralwill open the new season of performing arts and music on September 27 with a concert in which he proposes a journey through jazz, bossa nova and melodic Latin American sounds. He will be accompanied on stage by Julio Resende on piano, André Rosinha on electric bass and Bruno Pedroso on drums. Tickets are already sold out and capacity is full.


The spiritual canticle of Amancio Prada

Amancio Prada will present the Spiritual Canticle of St. John of the Cross in a recital that intensifies the music of the poems and places it on stage with a special emotionality in which his voice stands out. He will be accompanied by the Choir of the University of Navarra.


Theater for reflection on the history, art and landscape of Spain

The actor and playwright José Luis Gómez, a leading figure of our theater and award Nacional, will immerse the viewer in a reflection on the history, art and landscape of Spain through the self-portrait of one of the figures core topic in the historical and political evolution of our country, Manuel Azaña. The work Azaña, a Spanish Passionfirst premiered in 1988 at the Centro Dramático Nacional and Gómez has revived it several times as a production of Teatro de La Abadía.


First edition of "Museo en Danza" (Museum in Dance)

The new cycle aims to show the work the main companies that make up the panorama of the current dance creation. In this first edition, the four selected companies are Zuk Performing Arts, Dani Pannullo DanceTheatreCo, high school Stocos and Kukai Dantza.

subject is the new creation of Zuk Performing Arts. Directed by the Navarrese choreographer of profile international Itsaso A. Cano, it is a disturbing journey that delves into our feelings and questions our patterns of behavior, claiming that we are much more than skin and bone. The company Zuk Dance will perform at the University of Navarra an artistic residency program that will culminate with the premiere of the show.

Dani Pannullo will present the "work in progress" of ATLAS (Map of Moves)his new creation, inspired by photographer José Ortiz Echague's work , which proposes a trip around the world through new forms of urban expression. Freestyle workout, B-boying, parkour or Greco-Roman wrestling decipher new body codes that give beauty in all its forms.

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (The Marriage of Heaven and Hell) is a choreographic work inspired by William Blake's work of the same name. It combines dance, electroacoustic composition, interactive technology and cognitive science in a staged format. The show is a creation of high school Stocos made during an artistic residency program in Naves Matadero.

Oskara Plazara is a film and dancework that will propose a journey through passages of Basque culture: myths, traditions, symbols, from its origins to contemporary times. Dancers of Kukai Dantza are integrated with the documentary Oskara made by the Navarrese Pablo Iraburu and Iñaki Alforja that records the creative process of the dance work of the same name degree scroll created by Kukai Dantza and Marcos Morau in 2016. Both the company and the choreographer are National Award winners.


Classical theater

The exhibition halls will become stages for theatrical performances. From October 19 to November 3, the Museum will open its galleries for the fourth edition of the "Classics at the Museum" series. On this occasion, the program will delve into the relationships and interactions between the theater and literature of the Golden Age with painting and photography, as well as taking advantage of the linguistic richness of the Basque language and Spanish. The halls will host dramatized readings of I live without living in me (Neugan bizi gabe biziziz), Once upon a man glued to a nose y The Night of Don Juan.

Complementary activities

The Museum's Film Departments , Education and Public Programs will offer a variety of activities for all audiences related to the programming.



