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The University's Dean of Theology congratulates the Pope on his 80th birthday.

On Thursday 18, prayers were said for John Paul II and a wreath was laid at Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love . campus

19/05/00 19:06

On the occasion of the 80th birthday of John Paul II, the "Friends of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love del Campus" organized an offering of flowers at Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love for that day, Thursday 18. Some chaplains of the University were present at partnership and there, before the image of Our Lady Mother of Fair Love, prayers were said for the Pope and several choral groups made up of university students took part.

For his part, Professor Francisco Varo, Dean of the School of Theology at the University of Navarra, took advantage of the celebration to congratulate the Pope with these words: "Eighty is a long time for a skier. It is not possible to maintain the physical form of the best sporting moments. However, the polls say that he is still at the top of the popularity ranking among young people.

Why does a smiling grandfather, with a cane and white cassock, who only talks about God, walk into a stadium or lean out of the window of his house, and provoke a shout of enthusiasm like that of the first notes that tear the air of a rock concert?

A mischievous look of complicity, brimming with affection, stirs up the accumulation of good wishes that lie at the bottom of the human heart. We often fail to make them come true, but we always dream of building a fairer world where we can all live together in joy and peace. In the testimony of his life and the kind demand of his words, young and not so young, we perceive that it is worthwhile to give ourselves to this adventure.

To reach the age of eighty is to achieve four times the youth of twenty years; of the youth that never withers because it is full of Life and in it shines the Truth. Jesus Christ is still alive in the world of the year 2000 and the audacious man of St. Peter sample today where is the Way of inexhaustible happiness. Many congratulations, Holy Father!".



