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Augusto Sarmiento publishes 'The treatise 'De dominio' in the School of Salamanca III'.

The document gathers the lectures on the domain dictated by Bartolomé Medina at the Chair de prima de Salamanca during the 1566-1567 academic year.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
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PHOTO: Courtesy
20/03/17 12:35 Chus Cantalapiedra

The professor of the School of TheologyAugusto Sarmiento has published The treatise 'De dominio' in the School of Salamanca III. The document collects the readings on dominion dictated by Bartolomé de Medina, as substitute of Mancio, in the Chair de prima de Salamanca the course of 1566-1567.

Edited by EUNSA, it has two parts. The first offers the general framework of the consideration of the topic of the domain at that time, as well as the treatment made in the edited manuscript. The second part is already the edition of the Latin manuscript and the Spanish version. This edition is completed with the inclusion of an extensive body of notes that help to assess the rigor and reliability of the interpretation made of them in the manuscript.

The volume, which makes the issue III of the publication The treatise De dominio in the School of Salamanca, is part and prolongs that flowering of texts on the rights of man, due to the Salamancan theologians of the sixteenth century.

Augusto Sarmiento is Full Professor Emeritus of Theology, of the School of Theology, where he has held the positions of director of research (1987-1998), director of the department of Moral and Spiritual Theology (1999-2004) and Associate Dean (2004-2009). He has published on family: Enchidion familiae, El matrimonio cristiano, El don de la vida; and on the School of Salamanca: Lecturas inéditas de F. de Vitoria: instructions para la edición crítica (1980); F. de Vitoria: the 'ius divinum' of the integral and secret confession of sins in the 'Summa Sacramentorum' of T. de Chaves (1984); F. de Vitoria, De beatitudine (On Happiness), In I-II Summae Theo-logiae de Tomás de Aquino, qq. 1-5 (2012); F. de Vitoria, De actibus humanis (On human acts), In I-II Summae Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas, qq. 6-20 (2014); The article of faith 'Credo Ecclesiam'(1972); The ecclesiology of Mantius (1976); Mantius del Corpus Christi, Bartolomé de Medina, De jure et iustitia ( 2013); Mantius del Corpus Christi, Bartolomé de Medina, Pedro Lazcano, De gratia, On grace (2016).

The treatise on dominion in the School of Salamanca

ISBN: 9788431331795 
CollectionMedieval and Renaissance Thought 
Year: 2017 
Pages: 260 

The question of the dominion exercised by the human being over the real reveals the constitutive element of the human being as a reality that, being master of his existence.

On the other hand, the suum and the possibility of respecting it in law and in any contractual form make the delimitation of the forms of exercising or realizing this dominion (as property, use, usufruct or possession) a question core topic of the Civil Law and ecclesiastical and economic thought. We have seen the interest of contributing with some texts that complement what is contained in the Relecciones of Francisco de Vitoria, the De iustitia et iureDomingo de Soto and later treatises, so this book offers the readings on the domain dictated in the Chair de prima by Bartolomé de Medina, as a substitute for Mancio, in some lessons of the course of 1566-1567, commenting on the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas. 



