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The University of Navarra celebrates its 1st Nutrition Week with prizes, talks and free nutritional advice

From May 23 to 27 there will be a workshop on Genetics and obesity, an audiovisual meeting at Civican Iturrama and the classroom de Salud at CIMA, among other events.

20/05/11 15:34
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I Nutrition Week, May 23-27. PHOTO:

The School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra celebrates, from May 23 to 27, its I Nutrition Week, with events aimed at specialists and the general public to address the main developments in the field of food and health.

In meeting will start on Monday 23 with a workshop on Genetics and obesity to position of the professors Eva Ruiz Casares, of the University San Pablo CEU; Mª Dolores Saavedra, medical specialist in Genetics of the Hospital Gregorio Marañón; and Andrew Salter, of the division of nutritional sciences of the University of Nottingham.

On Tuesday 24, in the Civican of the street Pío XII, dieticians-nutritionists of the academic center will offer free nutritional advice from 17 h. Also, at 7 p.m. at the civic center will be the meeting "Alimenta la vista", which will show the audiovisual programs awarded for their informative work in the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

For its part, the research center Médica Aplicada (CIMA) will open the doors of its classroom de Salud -sponsored by Diario de Navarra- to a lecture a position by Iciar Astiasarán, Vice President of research, on "Optimal Nutrition", aimed at the general public. The quotation will be at 19 30 h. at the auditorium of the research center.

More than 10,000 reproductions

On the other hand, the annual conference of update, aimed at dietitians-nutritionists and other health graduates, will be held on the framework of the week, with sessions on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 for specialists who want to refresh the latest developments in Nutrition and health indexes.

On Thursday 26th, at 6:30 p.m., there will be the submission of the VII award Food and Health, which this year will go to the expert in Nutrigenetics and obesity Andreu Palou, professor at the University of the Balearic Islands.

Finally, on Friday 27th, the Nutrition Week of the University of Navarra will close with the final of the competition Nutrivideo 2011. The initiative, which is in its third edition, has had 71 works of more than 300 students from 30 schools and institutes of 15 autonomous communities throughout Spain. The YouTube channel where all the videos have been uploaded has registered more than 44,000 visits. The most viewed video, Mediterránea, from I.E.S. Pablo Sarasate, from Lodosa, has had more than 10,000 views, making it the eventual winner in one of the two categories of the contest.

All the information about the talks, workshops and awards

Interview with Roncesvalles Garayoa

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