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Euthanasia and Bioethics: challenges and practical guidelines for health care providers.

The second edition of the Seminars on Medicine and Bioethics will be held on June 9, 16 and 23 in online format.

20 | 05 | 2021

The School of Medicine and the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation have organized the second edition of the Seminars on Medicine and Bioethics which, on this occasion, will focus on the challenges posed by euthanasia and will offer practical guidelines for the staff healthcare.

Thus, over the course of three conference which will be developed entirely online, different experts will address issues such as advanced medicine at the end of life and the role of nursing, medical ethics in the face of the euthanasia law or the report of committee of Bioethics. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the euthanasia law from Constitutional Law, conscientious objection and the living will.

Guest speakers include Dr. Carlos Centeno, professor and director of the Palliative Medicine Service of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra; Dr. Manuel Sellés, president of the Illustrious high school Official Medical Association of Madrid and Vicente Bellver, Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Valencia and member of committee of Bioethics of Spain. Also participating will be Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, Full Professor of Constitutional Law of the University of Navarra; Marta Albert, professor of Philosophy of Law at the University Rey Juan Carlos; and Encarna Pérez Bret, nurse at the Laguna Care Center (Madrid).

registration The conference is free of charge and can be accessed through the Seminars' website.

A point of meeting to face complex situations

The Seminars on Medicine and Bioethics aim to address from a medical, ethical and legal perspective different aspects of Medicine, taking as a starting point therapies or procedures of recent implementation, and having as a point of reference letter the consideration of the inherent dignity of the person and the respect that this entails.

This activity seeks to establish a point of meeting of professionals from around the world to discuss the anthropological dimension and ethical impact of such therapies or procedures, and to evaluate possible alternatives.

In addition, it is intended that the training received and the discussion initiated will contribute to facilitate the resolution of situations with ethical undertones in the professional practice of the participating physicians.

The first edition of the Seminars was held in February and dealt with issues related to prenatal diagnosis.



