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The Master's Degree E-MENU and the Master's Degree in research, development and Innovation of Medicines, lead the list of postgraduate programs in its specialization program

The former tops the list for the first time, while the latter tops the list for the seventh consecutive year.

20/06/12 08:32
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Detail of a laboratory where the masters of the School of Pharmacy are taught. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The European Master's Degree in Nutrition and Metabolism (E-MENU), of the School Pharmacy, tops for the first time the ranking of the masters analyzed by El Mundo, in the area Food and Veterinary, rising from third place to first. Likewise, the Master's Degree in research, development and Innovation of Medicines leads the specialization program of Pharmacy for the seventh consecutive year.

Of the first one, El Mundo highlights that its students can carry out stays in any of the eight European universities that belong to the E-MENU consortium; while of the research, development and Innovation of Medicines it values its internationalization since, among its more than 300 graduates, there are graduates from Angola, Congo, Mozambique, Yugoslavia, Syria, Peru and Cuba, among others.

The ranking places another eight postgraduate programs of the University of Navarra among the best in its modality, of the 250 analyzed from all over Spain. In total, the newspaper has taken into account the opinions of more than 500 experts and more than 1,000 questionnaires of programs offered by universities and other entities.

For the elaboration of this study, 26 criteria have been taken into account, covering factors such as the demand of Master's Degree, human resources, Study program, the results obtained by students and the material resources of each postgraduate program. El Mundo also includes a guide of the best business schools in Spain, including the University of Navarra's IESE Business School. The newspaper notes that "more than 32,000 alumni from over 100 nationalities" and has campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, New York, Munich and Sao Paulo.



