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The School of Philosophy and Letters launches the magazine "IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas" (IDS. Journal of young humanists)

Open access, open access, for students in their final years at Degree, Master's Degree and doctorate from all over the world.

The School of Philosophy and Letters has launched the magazine "IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas", an annual academic publication addressed to students in their final years of Degree, Master's Degree and doctorate from all over the world. It is open access and is part of the Publications Service of the University of Navarra, is part of an innovation project professor with the same name.

The journal has as goal serve as a platform for the publication of research by non-doctoral students (TFG, TFM, thesis , etc.), which represent a valuable and novel contribution to knowledge of the different humanistic disciplines, to discussion and to reflection, and which contribute to enrich their academic life.

A committee of essay composed of two students of doctorate and six students of Degree of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra will be in charge of receiving articles, sending them to the reviewers, layout, correction and publication. In addition, there will be a committee publishing house and a committee advisor made up of PhD professors from various universities, research centers and national and international teaching institutions.

The first volume will be published during the spring of 2024. Until then, interested parties who meet the requirements publication requirements can submit their proposals through this platform.



