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Alberto Pérez Mediavilla, new Associate Dean of the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra

His vice-deanship joins the former Alumni and Office of Academic Affairs, positions held until now by Amelia Martí and Norberto Aguirre, respectively.

21/09/10 13:56
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Alberto Pérez Mediavilla PHOTO: Manuel Castells.

The School of Pharmacy has merged the vice-deanships of Alumni and Office of Academic Affairs, which were occupied by professors Amelia Martí and Norberto Aguirre, respectively, into a single one, for which Alberto Pérez Mediavilla has been appointed as Associate Dean .

Professor Alberto Pérez is graduate in Biology and holds a PhD in Cell Biology from the University of Navarra (1988 and 1993). He has made postdoctoral stays in 1995 and 1998 at the Laboratory of Retinal Cell and Molecular Biology of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda (Maryland, USA).

He is Senior Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and coordinator of first year of Medicine. Until his appointment as Associate Dean, he has been a member of the International committee of the School of Pharmacy.

Alberto Pérez Mediavilla develops his research activity in the laboratory of Neuropharmacology and Behavior of the area of Neurosciences of CIMA. His area of work is the molecular alterations underlying Alzheimer's disease.



