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In the shoes of... Carlota Uriarte


06 | 05 | 2024


On Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25, the Food Bank's Great Food Drive will take place, an initiative to collect food and allocate it to those who need it most.

Today we put ourselves in the shoes of Carlota Uriarte, 4th year of International Nursing, a regular collaborator of this project, which annually benefits more than one million people.

Bilbaína, lover of paddle tennis, board games and Ferrero Rocher, Carlota tells us what it means to her to collaborate as a volunteer with the Gran Recogida and what it has meant to her.

1. You collaborated last year, can you tell us a little bit about what it consisted of?
Every year, since high school, I have collaborated with the Gran Recogida. It is an annual initiative to collect food in supermarkets and donate it to different NGOs.

2. Why did you decide to participate in this initiative?
I love doing volunteer activities and in this one anyone can collaborate, you have it at your fingertips. I signed up with a friend, at the supermarket entrance we handed out bags so that people could collaborate, we talked to them. I had a great time and we were helping.

3. A highlight you remember from last year's Gran Recogida.
It is not so much a moment that stands out, but the fact that people are really supportive: there were very few people who did not collaborate. Even girls from high school, who came and collaborated with a packet of rice. That's what I keep in mind: that people like to help others.

4. From your experiences, from what you have lived, what is volunteer activities for you? What does it mean in your life?
To serve others, to dedicate time to other people and not to yourself. Instead of going for a drink with a friend, which you can do every day, you can go for a little while to serve others. Sometimes it's hard for me, but then it fills you up and you want to come back.

5. What would you say to someone who is considering doing volunteer activities?
To give it a try. It's the same to go to Africa as to residency program for the elderly here in Pamplona, or to collaborate with the Gran Recogida. There are people in need everywhere.

6. The best thing about your land.
The people, of course. And the sea. Even if it's bad, it doesn't matter. A walk by the sea is the best.

7. Favorite corner of the University.
The outside of Central Building. I love it.

8. Song, book, movie.
Un buen castigo by Fito; La reina sin nombre, by María Gudín; and La jungla de cristal.

9. Your biggest dream.
To be a true professional nurse, and to practice nursing according to my values. And to be able to help many people.

10. A board game.
Secret code, one hundred percent.

11. Favorite part of a supermarket.
The bakery part.

12. Pincho de...?
Of txangurro, incredible.

13. Historical moment that you would have liked to live.
I would have loved to spend a day with St. Teresa of Calcutta in India.

14. Something that makes your day.

15. Fiat or Mini.
Mini. Convertible.

16. Ferrero or Caja Roja.
Ferrero is my favorite.

17. One Direction or Jonas Brothers.
One Direction, no doubt.

18. How you would change the world.
I love the phrase "Even if nothing changes, if I change, everything changes". If I am a better person, I can change my environment, and they in turn can change theirs.

19. A topic that you would talk about for hours.
About anything. But paddle tennis, come on (I've been playing all my life).

20. The University of Navarra is...
The people, the training and the ambition.



