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Students of the School of Medicine launch the project "Campus Cardioprotected".

The initiative aims to train students from all Degrees in basic resuscitation techniques.

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Students from the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra have launched together with the organization"El ABC que Salva Vidas" the project "Campus Cardioprotegido" whose purpose is to train students from different careers in basic resuscitation techniques. Specifically, the program, which has a theoretical part and another internship, will teach them the chain of survival with emphasis on the detection of cardiac arrest and basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

As Laura Torres, coordinating student, explains, this project arose thanks to the initiative of Dr. Diego Reyero, professor of the subject Extrahospital Emergencies. "We thought it would be important to teach these procedures to students at the University since we have found that very basic knowledge can save lives or, at least, minimize the neurological sequelae that occur in people with cardiac arrest and sudden death," say the organizers. "Every year in Spain there are around 30,000 deaths due to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and survival does not reach 7-10%, however, it has been seen that in northern European countries where the population has a good training survival improves significantly".

The program is aimed at university students of all Degrees, except Medicine and Nursing, and will be carried out in the form of one-hour sessions and average with a maximum of 50 students. The training includes basic theoretical concepts and the internship with cardiac arrest simulation dummies. The trainers belong to Degree in Medicine and have taken courses in first aid and defibrillator handling.

Those interested can register through a form that will be sent to them through Adi or contact if they need more information. All sessions will take place from 14:00 to 15:30 at classroom 11 of Central Building. The activity is planned to be implemented for the next courses.

Schedule of sessions:
-Tuesday, March 24: School of Law and School of Science.
-Thursday, March 26: School of Pharmacy



