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132 students participate in the volunteer activities International course.

The sessions, organized by Tantaka, aim to train students in cooperation issues at development.

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24/04/18 13:18

A total of 132 students participated in the volunteer activities International course organized by Tantaka, the solidarity time bank of the University of Navarra, from March 5 to 9, 2018.

The course dealt with topics related to International Cooperation. According to the organizers, these sessions aim to train student interested in acquiring the basic knowledge to develop their experience as a volunteer abroad.   

Paula Salvador, manager of Tantaka's international area , believes that "globalization has made it possible to learn about the great deficiencies to which many developing countries are subjected development". For this reason, she assures that experiences such as the one she herself lived in the Philippines are incomparable. 

Salvador explained to the participants what life is like in the Asian country and how volunteer activities allowed him to get involved in the lives of the people he dealt with. In addition, he offered some useful tips for all those who are considering doing an international volunteer activities . 

For his part, the director of the Center for International development and Professor of the School of Economics, Luis Ravina, recalled that "poverty is not a question of money, but is the effect of violence, corruption and natural disasters that affect many of the countries on the way to development". 

Ravina took the opportunity to explain to the students the work of research which is carried out by the Navarra Center for International Development at Institute for Culture and Society.

On the other hand, Amaia Leranoz, director of area , dedicated a session to the importance of photography and the use of social networks during the volunteer activities. 

Leranoz explained to the participants the importance of taking photographs responsibly, capturing reality and asking people whether or not they want to be in them, without forgetting their dignity.

The course was also attended by Ignacio Monreal, director of the Service of Biochemistry of Clínica Universidad de Navarra, and Ana Arbeloa, manager of Children of Africa in Pamplona.



