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A book approaches the microbial world with simple experiments

Carlos Gamazo, Ana Isabel Camacho and Susana Sánchez are the directors of this play.

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Cover of the book presented by the University of Navarra PHOTO:
26/09/13 11:48 Laura Latorre

A book written by professors Carlos Gamazo, Ana Isabel Camacho and Susana Sánchez, from the University of Navarra, reviews microorganisms through simple experiments. As highlighted by the editors and main authors of the book"Microbiology based on experimentation" (Ed. Elsevier, 2013) "the experimental approach and multidisciplinary has been the common thread in all sections, without forgetting the core topic of any teaching or learning, motivation".

The book is structured in 21 chapters focused on 28 experimental programs of study and annexes on basic techniques, as well as complementary information (microhistory, etymologies, etc.) and facilitates the integration of different areas of knowledge. It also incorporates an online resource in Spanish"Student consult" with 21 practical videos.

Throughout the different chapters, the authors bring us closer to the understanding of the microbial world by means of very suggestive experiments. For example, yogurt is used as model for the study of symbiosis between bacteria and the consequences of probiotics on health are analyzed. Another curious proposal is the brewing of beer, which is used here to integrate knowledge in different experimental areas, such as botany, pharmacognosy, Biochemistry or even immunology. But they do not forget to deal with controversial topics such as the origin of antibiotic resistance or the beneficial role of viruses.

As Carlos Gamazo points out,"in experimental sciences, motivation comes from the hand of finding, the finding of what was hidden. Ramón y Cajal, award Nobel, referred to bacteriology as 'the spell of the infinitely small'. Today, the study of microbiology continues to captivate us."



