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Ana Canga: "Alzheimer's disease is everyone's problem".

The professor at School of Nursing highlights the role of the family caregiver in a disease that affects almost 10% of Spaniards.

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Ana Canga
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
29/09/14 16:41 Miriam Salcedo

Ana Canga, professor at the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra and an expert in elderly and family care, states that Alzheimer's disease has become a major health problem partner. It is a disease that has an impact on all areas of society, since it the dependency it generates affects sufferers and their caregivers. At present, in our country, says the expert, "it is the family that assumes the responsibility for the care of the loved one". Along these lines, the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Relatives of People with Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias (CEAFA) points out that the disease affects more than 4.5 million people (1.2 million sick), a total of 9.7% of the population..

To fight against this disease, Professor Canga argues that "we must not forget that It is the family members who take care of these patients and therefore it is a priority to know what their needs are and provide them with the necessary means to cope with this situation. status". According to the expert, "the approach to Alzheimer's is an issue that, as in other European countries, must be piloted by the State in order to articulate homogeneous and coherent measures aimed at improving the quality of life of all these families affected by the disease". "The family cares and will continue to care, but in order to continue to do so, it asks for financial aid and support services", concludes the specialist.

On September 21, 2009, the World Alzheimer's DayThe World Health Organization dedicates this date to this disease in order to increase its knowledge in society and apply for the support of public and private institutions and organizations, as well as the population.

As the Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) federation points out, "not only do 10% of people over the age of 65 suffer from the disease today, but the number of patients adds up to two new cases every three minutes". For this reason, Professor Canga affirms that confronting this status "requires us to be united at all possible levels": "A global and coordinated action that integrates all the actors involved is the only way to be able to face this so-called silent epidemic of the 21st century".

In addition, the expert reminds us that "we must bear in mind that Alzheimer's disease can affect anyone and the issue of potential candidates grows in parallel with the life expectancy of the population.". For this reason, she affirms that "it is necessary to raise awareness, from all areas, that Alzheimer's disease is a problem for all of us and that we all have to face it together, transcending borders, ideologies or other conditioning subject ". For all these reasons, says the expert, "the slogan chosen at national level to promote this day has been 'Solidarity'".



