University social networks
Other institutional profiles
Architecture: @etsaunav
Science: @cienciasunav
speech: @fcomunav
Law: @derecho_unav
Canon Law: @facesunav
Ecclesiastical from Philosophy: @facesunav
Economics and Business: @EconomUnav
Education and Psychology: @edupsicoUNAV
Nursing: @enfermeriaunav
Pharmacy and Nutrition: @farmaciaunav
Philosophy and Letters: @fylunav
IESE Business School: @iesebschool
ISEM Fashion Business School: @ISEMfbs
ISSA School of Applied Management: @ISSAUNAV
Medicine: @MedUNAV
Theology: @facesunav
Tecnun. School of Engineering: @tecnun
CEIT. Centre of programs of study and Technical Research of Guipúzcoa: @Ceit_BRTA
St Josemaria Documentation Centre and programs of study : @cedej_unav
Writing Centre: @ceunav
Olympic Centre programs of study : @CEO_unav
Centre for University Governance and Reputation: @ReputationUNAV
CIMA. research center Applied Medical: @CIMA_unav
Clínica Universidad de Navarra: @ClinicaNavarra
Institute for Culture and Society (ICS): @ICS_unav
high school Core Curriculum : @CoreUnav
institute of modern languages: @Idiomas_unav
high school business and Humanism: @IEHunav
Science Museum University of Navarra: @museoCCNN_unav
University of Navarra Museum: @Museo_unav
file General: @ArchivoUNAV
Library Services: @unavbiblioteca
Career Services: @careererunav
Innovation Factory: @InnFactoryUnav
Alumni Office -development: @alumni_unav
Service of Admissions Office: @admision_unav
Sports Service: @unavdeportes
Tantaka: @tantakaunav