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A year without Benedict XVI


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Pablo Blanco |

Benedict XVI's last words on his deathbed, before he died, were "Lord I love you". His spiritual testament was then published: a long list of thanks together with a request for forgiveness. "I give thanks to my parents, who gave me life in a difficult time." Ratzinger's parents made it easy for him to take the first step in following his vocation. A humble heart is a grateful heart. Thus, "I thank God for the many friends, men and women, whom he has always placed at my side; for the collaborators at every stage of my journey; for the teachers and students he has given me. With gratitude I commend them all to His goodness". There was no shadow of rancor or resentment, despite the setbacks he had had in his life.

A free heart, a heart in love; a poet's heart: "I thank God for all the beauty I have been able to experience in all the stages of my journey, but especially in Rome and in Italy, which has become my second homeland. And he added a request: "To all those whom I have harmed in any way, I ask for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart". I did not want to leave any unfinished business.

"Finally, I humbly ask: pray for me, that the Lord, in spite of all my sins and inadequacies, may receive me into the eternal abode. To all those entrusted to my care, my prayers go out from my heart, day by day." A good reminder.

After the funeral, Pope Francis presided over the last commendation and farewell, and the coffin of the emeritus pontiff was transferred to the Vatican grottoes to be buried in the tomb formerly occupied by Popes St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. Interesting coincidence. A new stage was beginning, also in the perception of his person and his pontificate. His shy and calm smile will probably accompany us in the following years.