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Pedro Errasti, Director of Nephrology in the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Chronic kidney disease and the elderly

The author recalls that today is World Kidney Day, and warns of the consequences of Chronic Kidney Disease, as he assures that ignorance about kidney disease is very high in the general population.

Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:11:00 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper

World Kidney Day, an international initiative jointly led by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF), is celebrated once again on the second Thursday of March. This celebration, which began in March 2006, has a general goal and a specific one each year. The aim of mission statement is to raise awareness of the importance of chronic kidney disease (CKD) as a major public health problem that consumes countless resources among the healthcare world, health-related officials, governments and the general public.

CKD is a progressive loss of kidney function of months or years of evolution, which can affect one in 10 people in different Degrees and which constitutes a real epidemic due to its frequency. The aim is to join forces to promote Education and the prevention of kidney disease, which can affect anyone, regardless of race, sex, age or social class . In many cases, CKD can progress in a slowly progressive manner and with hardly any symptoms, to a terminal phase or stage that requires treatment by dialysis techniques - which are very expensive - or kidney transplantation from cadaveric or living donors, which can be economically unsustainable in many countries, especially in the third world. The impact and consequences of CKD are enormous, not only from a financial point of view, but also, and above all, in the cost of human lives. It is currently considered to be a very important factor in the presentation of cardiovascular complications such as heart failure, angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction and cause of premature death of cardiovascular origin. The risk of premature death is greatly increased B with respect to the healthy population. Even in patients on chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation, death of cardiovascular origin is the main cause of death.

Preventive factors

However, we should not only consider the negative aspects, since CKD can be prevented, treated and its course can also be slowed down. There is clear scientific evidence that early detection, modification of lifestyles, the withdrawal of smoking, strict control of blood pressure, maintaining a stable weight avoiding overweight and obesity, regular physical activity, control of cholesterol and single acid through a Mediterranean per diem expenses , good control of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus, avoiding frequent intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, etc... can stabilize, slow or delay the progression of CKD. This would reduce both the economic impact and premature cardiovascular mortality. Therefore, the general goal of World Kidney Day is Education, since ignorance about kidney disease is very high in the general population.

Incidence in the elderly
The specific or particular theme of this year's campaign refers to CKD in the elderly. The incidence and prevalence of this disease increases progressively with age and end-stage treatment in elderly patients is a major problem worldwide due to the diseases and comorbidity associated with it, which imply a poor prognosis and a poor quality of life. Therefore, elderly patients should receive adequate information about their disease and prognosis, as well as the different therapeutic options (conservative, dialysis, transplantation) facilitating their participation in the decision in this regard. The present campaign proposes starting the workshop, or any subject of meeting throughout the day, by drinking a glass of water, as a way of focusing attention on the kidneys themselves, for whose functioning the elementary liquid is essential. Drinking water can help keep the kidneys healthy, although it does not cure kidney disease. Simply, the goal of this initiative (or proposal) is to arouse interest or reflection or comment on the importance of the prevention of kidney disease or to act as a trigger for comments on the importance of its prevention.


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