03 | 01 | 2020
Heritage and identity (23). Miscellany around the Feast of the Three Kings
Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Published in:Diario de Navarra
20 | 12 | 2019
Heritage and identity (22). Christmas in 16th century painting
15 | 12 | 2019
It's good enough for me. The rise of conformity
Gerardo Castillo Ceballos
School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra
Published in:Diario Vasco
06 | 12 | 2019
Heritage and identity (21). Scenes of child cruelty in Navarrese art.
21 | 11 | 2019
training of the laity, from the heart of the Church
Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias
Professor of the School of Theology at the University of Navarre
Posted in:Church and new evangelisation
25 | 11 | 2019
IN MEMORIAM - Professor Leo Elders (1926-2019)
César Izquierdo
Philosophy against the dominance of the trivial
Ana Marta González
Teacher at the department of Philosophy
20 | 11 | 2019
Threatened elements
Jose Ramon Isasi Allica
Full Professor from Chemistry. School of Sciences University of Navarra.
15 | 11 | 2019
Heritage and identity (20). Media of yesteryear: the flags
17 | 11 | 2019
Today's children: self-sufficient and stressed out
Published in:Las Provincias, Diario de Navarra y Alto Aragón