
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Burgo de San Cernin


6. Christ crucified

Descalzos Street, 54. The board of the Barrio de las Carnicerías del Burgo -currently Descalzos Street- agreed in 1735 to place an image of the patron saint of the neighborhood, Nuestro Señor Crucificado, in the corner of the corner of Carnicerías Street with the belena (currently Eslava Street). That image was replaced in 1774 by a new one; when the belena was widened in 1879, the image must have been moved to the place it now occupies. It is currently located between the two balconies of the second floor of the facade of house no. 54, practically on the axis with Eslava street. It has a rectangular floor plan and elevation, with a simple molding at the foot as a pedestal that barely protrudes from the face of the facade, and under a tile roof, with a slightly larger overhang.



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