
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Burgo de San Cernin


Virgin of the Prisoners

In the belena of Portalapea, on a bracket, protected by a beacon, a carving from the first half of the 16th century is preserved, with Flemish echoes, which was located in a niche in the Portal de la Galea that gave entrance to the Burgo de San Cernin, in the area known as Portalapea, because it is located at the foot of this Portal. This section of the walls was maintained until well into the 17th century, as evidenced by the documentation of a judicial process in 1651. Once the walls had disappeared, the image was kept on the façade of one of the buildings built on the foundations of the walls. It was there, specifically in a large niche in house no. 14 of San Saturnino Street, until, after the recovery of the leave part of the walls in this area, the image remained in the belena, attached to the walls that rest on the foundations of the walls.




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