
Hornacinas of the historic center of Pamplona 


Population of San Nicolás


10. Christ crucified

Zapatería Street, corner of Pozoblanco. The image of Christ is in a small cabinet attached to the wall. The door with glass that protects the image is adjusted by its form to the cross, showing in the high part three lobes that correspond to the head and the arms of the cross. This door is framed on the sides by thin columns and at the top by a pediment topped by a small cross. Of the veneration of this image is recorded in the book of conference proceedings of the Salinería Neighborhood, where it speaks of the chapel of Christ Crucified, explaining that a lantern is lit every night, two candles and lantern in the processions, and Viaticum of the parish, Corpus Christi, San Fermin and Good Friday, it is extinguished after the conclusion of the procession.



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